Atrium in the UZH main building

Our Partners

The Cen­ter for Child Well-Be­ing and De­vel­op­ment is a re­search cen­ter at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich that co­op­er­ates with sev­er­al part­ners in or­der to guar­an­tee a strong con­nec­tion be­tween re­search ac­tiv­i­ty and pol­i­cy de­sign. This key as­pect of our work en­sures that our projects are to pro­duce high-qual­i­ty em­pir­i­cal ev­i­dence of both aca­d­e­m­ic in­ter­est and pol­i­cy rel­e­vance.

Dri­ven by the shared be­lief in the im­por­tance of sci­en­tif­ic ev­i­dence in pol­i­cy-mak­ing, we es­tab­lished a long- term re­search part­ner­ship with the Unit­ed Na­tions Chil­dren Fund (UNICEF). To­geth­er we aim to im­prove both the state of knowl­edge in the field of Child De­vel­op­ment and the ef­fec­tive­ness of in­ter­ven­tion in low- and mid­dle-in­come coun­tries. More­over, we work close­ly with the Swiss Agency for De­vel­op­ment and Co­op­er­a­tion (SDC), which is Switzer­land’s in­ter­na­tion­al co­op­er­a­tion agency with­in the Fed­er­al De­part­ment of For­eign Af­fairs (FDFA). Oth­er part­ners in­clude:

The De­part­ment of Eco­nom­ics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich is one of the lead­ing re­search cen­ters in Eu­rope. The broad field of re­search of the in­sti­tute cov­ers all im­por­tant sub-ar­eas of eco­nom­ics. Most of the re­search is con­duct­ed us­ing an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary ap­proach that com­bines mod­ern eco­nom­ics with his­tor­i­cal, po­lit­i­cal sci­ence, psy­cho­log­i­cal, bi­o­log­i­cal and so­ci­o­log­i­cal el­e­ments. Af­fil­i­at­ed to the In­sti­tute are the world-renowned Lab­o­ra­to­ry of Be­hav­io­ral Eco­nom­ics and Ex­per­i­men­tal Eco­nom­ics and the Lab­o­ra­to­ry for the Study of So­cial and Neur­al Sys­tems.
UNICEF has long been known for its fo­cus on de­liv­er­ing health, ed­u­ca­tion and pro­tec­tion pro­grams for dis­ad­van­taged chil­dren around the world. From its ear­li­est days, UNICEF has also rec­og­nized the im­por­tance of gen­er­at­ing and us­ing ev­i­dence to guide poli­cies and pro­grams for chil­dren. The needs and pri­or­i­ties of ev­i­dence gen­er­a­tion will evolve over time as ques­tions are an­swered and new chal­lenges emerge. This com­mit­ment to data, re­search and eval­u­a­tion has grown over time, as both UNICEF and its part­ners seek the most ef­fec­tive ways to sup­port chil­dren’s rights. This col­lab­o­ra­tion with UZH is key to de­liv­er high qual­i­ty re­search that will in­form UNICEF prac­tice.
The Swiss Agency for De­vel­op­ment and Co­op­er­a­tion (SDC) is Switzer­land’s in­ter­na­tion­al co­op­er­a­tion agency with­in the Fed­er­al De­part­ment of For­eign Af­fairs (FDFA). SDC is re­spon­si­ble for the over­all co­or­di­na­tion of de­vel­op­ment ac­tiv­i­ties and hu­man­i­tar­i­an aid de­liv­ered by the Swiss Con­fed­er­a­tion. The goal of de­vel­op­ment co­op­er­a­tion is that of re­duc­ing pover­ty. It is meant to fos­ter eco­nom­ic self-re­liance and state au­ton­o­my, to con­trib­ute to the im­prove­ment of pro­duc­tion con­di­tions, to help in find­ing so­lu­tions to en­vi­ron­men­tal prob­lems, and to pro­vide bet­ter ac­cess to ed­u­ca­tion and ba­sic health­care ser­vices. SDC works close­ly with its part­ners based on ev­i­dence of what works and does not work. That is the rea­son why SDC is sup­port­ing the CCWD re­search pro­gram (with CHF 2.5 mil­lion for 2015-2019) aim­ing to pro­mote in­no­v­a­tive, ev­i­dence-based re­search, which will con­trib­ute to in­creas­ing UNICEF’s and oth­er part­ners’ ef­fec­tive­ness in ad­dress­ing child-spe­cif­ic de­vel­op­ment chal­lenges.

Our net­work

Donors and Partners

University of Rwanda

University of Rwanda

University of Zurich

University of Zurich

University of Malawi – College of Medicine

University of Malawi – College of Medicine

University of Alberta

University of Alberta

Universitá Degli Studi di Torino

Universitá Degli Studi di Torino

UNICEF Switzerland

UNICEF Switzerland





UNICEF Ethiopia

UNICEF Ethiopia

UNICEF Armenia

UNICEF Armenia



TRECC – Transforming Education in Ivory Coast

TRECC – Transforming Education in Ivory Coast

Tigo Guatemala

Tigo Guatemala

Stevens Institute of Technology

Stevens Institute of Technology

Stanford University

Stanford University

SHEVA (Empowering woman and girls in Guatemala)

SHEVA (Empowering woman and girls in Guatemala)

São Paulo State Secretariat of Education

São Paulo State Secretariat of Education

Roger Federer Foundation

Roger Federer Foundation

Right to play

Right to play

Princeton University

Princeton University

Northwestern University

Northwestern University

National Statistic Office Malawi

National Statistic Office Malawi





Ministry of Education of Ivory Coast

Ministry of Education of Ivory Coast



Malawi Ministry of Health

Malawi Ministry of Health

Kamuzu University of Health Sciences

Kamuzu University of Health Sciences

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University

Jacobs Foundation

Jacobs Foundation

Itaú BBA

Itaú BBA

ISI Foundation

ISI Foundation

Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)

Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)

UNICEF Office of Innovation

UNICEF Office of Innovation

Harvard University

Harvard University

Great Lakes Technologies

Great Lakes Technologies

Gezira State Government

Gezira State Government

Gezira State Council for Child Welfare

Gezira State Council for Child Welfare

Gezira NCCW

Gezira NCCW

Center for Social Research Malawi

Center for Social Research Malawi

Association of Early Childhood Development in Malawi

Association of Early Childhood Development in Malawi
