Researchers Working on Pioneering Economics

© Is­abel Cor­thi­er

The De­part­ment of Eco­nom­ics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich plays a lead­ing role in the aca­d­e­m­ic world. Our mot­to is “Pi­o­neer­ing Eco­nom­ics”.

With our for­ward-think­ing at­ti­tude and mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary ap­proach, we have en­tered un­chart­ed ter­ri­to­ry. Our am­bi­tion is to find an­swers to the most press­ing ques­tions of our time and to of­fer di­rec­tion to stu­dents, to lead­ers, and to pol­i­cy mak­ers alike.

At the De­part­ment, we en­cour­age our re­searchers to ap­proach their re­search projects fear­less­ly, open­ly – with am­bi­tion and cu­rios­i­ty. It is our be­lief that this is the way to achieve ground­break­ing re­sults, which can help change the world for the bet­ter. In this film project, we take you on a jour­ney into the world of re­search.

You will gain in­sights into three re­search ar­eas, which are pre­sent­ed through por­traits of nine sci­en­tists. Each of the three videos is about four min­utes long. The fo­cus is on the re­searchers’ pas­sion for their top­ics, il­lus­trat­ing the fas­ci­nat­ing and in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary field of eco­nom­ics.

