November 2018: Faith works as a research associate at Innovations for Poverty Action Malawi, a research organization that collaborates with the University of Zurich to collect high-quality data in the field. Find out what Faith shared with us about conducting research, what she finds inspiring, and why she feels optimistic.
“All of a sudden I love experiments. Getting to know more about experiments is also going to help me in the future, not only in this project. We are going to know more if we study the behavior of people using experiments rather than just models which are picked up from other countries and that are too general.
I plan to study experimental economics, so this is part of the experience to use in the future. I want to do a Masters in Economics and I’d love to lead my own research project. I have always been a shy person, I still am but getting to work with people from various countries in Malawi gives me opportunity to express myself better and to improve my skills, so this is inspiring.
I will talk about someone. This guy started as a Field Officer, then worked as a Country Representative and now he is a Regional Manager. So, this guy makes me feel optimistic about my future because I know that one day I will get to be the Principal Investigator of the project!”
(Faith Millongo, Malawi)
Interview by Juliette Thibaud, Edition by Tania Manriquez

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