New Technologies for Child and Youth Development: Opportunities and Challenges
20 March 2020
8:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Due to the current spread of COVID-19 and the precautionary policy at the University of Zurich, the event was cancelled.
- | Registration and welcome coffee (UZH Main Building, Room KOL-G-217 EV | Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich) |
- | Opening remarks |
- | Keynote Session – Pharmacoscopy: Technology and Personalized Medicine |
- | Short Coffee Break |
- | Session 1: Increasing the frequency of data collection through new technologies: opportunities”) |
- | Session 2: Increasing the frequency of data collection through new technologies: challenges”) |
- | Lunch |
- | Session 3: Roundtable – Creating bridges from research findings to program design) |
- | Session 3: Roundtable – Creating bridges from research findings to program design) |
- | Session 4: Digital ecosystem: from sensors to wearables) |
- | Coffee break |
- | Session 5: Roundtable – Promises and perils of technology for improving child well-being and development |
- | Closing Remarks |
- | Apéro |
University of Zurich
UZH Main Building
Room KOL-G-217 EV
Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich